Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is a natural response to stress that can be experienced by anyone, at any time. It’s a feeling of fear, worry, or unease that various situations or events can trigger. At its core, anxiety is the result of biological processes in the brain that have evolved to help us survive in dangerous situations

From a scientific perspective, anxiety is associated with certain brain functions. The amygdala, a small structure in the brain, is responsible for processing emotions and sending signals to other parts of the brain, such as the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in decision-making and problem-solving. When we perceive a threat or danger, the amygdala sends a signal to the hypothalamus, which activates the body’s fight or flight response. This response triggers the release of hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which increase heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate, preparing the body to respond to the perceived threat. In people with anxiety disorders, the amygdala may be overactive, leading to excessive fear and worry.

Family history, early childhood trauma, and genetic predisposition can all play a role in the development of anxiety disorders. Research has shown that people with a family history of anxiety disorders are more likely to develop them themselves. Additionally, traumatic experiences in childhood, such as abuse or neglect, can increase the risk of developing an anxiety disorder later in life. Finally, genetics also play a role, as certain genes have been linked to an increased risk of anxiety disorders.

While anxiety can be overwhelming and feel unpleasant, it’s important to remember that it can serve a purpose. Anxiety can be a helpful coping mechanism in some situations. It can help us stay alert and focused when we need to be and can motivate us to take action when necessary. However, without proper care anxiety can become chronic or unmanageable, interfere with daily life and become a disorder. While each anxiety disorder has its own set of symptoms, they all share some common similarities, such as excessive worry or fear, avoidance of certain situations, and physical symptoms like sweating, shaking, and rapid heartbeat.

There are several types of anxiety disorders, each with its unique set of symptoms and triggers. Some of the most common types of anxiety disorders include panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobias.

There are many effective treatments available for anxiety. Flourishing In Your Purpose utilizes Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR),  Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy (ERP), and Somatic Therapy to manage and reduce anxiety symptoms. As a Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional, I can provide support and guidance to individuals experiencing anxiety.