Immigration Evaluations

Individuals seeking immigration status in a new country may be required to undergo psychological assessments known as immigration evaluations. These evaluations are conducted to evaluate their mental health and emotional well-being. Immigration authorities usually require these assessments as part of the visa application process, asylum claims, or family reunification process.

The goal of an immigration evaluation is to determine if the individual has experienced any psychological stressors such as trauma or abuse that may affect their ability to adapt to life in a new country. The assessment may involve interviews, psychological testing, and a review of medical records and other documents.

After the evaluation, a report is submitted to the immigration authorities containing the results of the assessment. The report may also include recommendations for treatment and support services to assist the individual in coping with any mental health issues identified during the evaluation. 

My goal is to provide the necessary documentation and expert insight to strengthen your application and improve your chances of success. Let me guide you through this process with professionalism and compassion.